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Brand World
A comprehensive style guide that outlines everything from colors and typography to tone of voice and templates … and so much more!
The full-color logo should be used on all brand applications when possible on a white background. On darker backgrounds, the full-color reversed logo should be used.
The minimum size of the logo is 1.5” wide.
The pixel minimum width of the logo should not be less than 110 pixels. The Pixels Per Inch (ppi) should not be less than 72ppi. When in doubt, the “e” logomark should always be “in the light,” meaning the lightest color compared to the background, to represent the sunrise.
Whenever possible, include the WHITE behind and surrounding the “e” logomark, especially if there is a texture or pattern in the background.
If only one color is available for producing the logo, whenever possible, use the PMS 300 Blue logo.
If only BLACK is available for producing the logo, use the BLACK logo.
The WHITE behind and surrounding the “e” logomark must be included when placed on the BLACK or DARK background. Avoid using patterns and photos in the background behind the logo.
If only one color is available for producing the logo on a BLACK or DARK background, use the WHITE logo.
Maintaining standard logo color treatments is of utmost importance to the integrity of the St. Elizabeth brand. Any variance to logo color treatments will be initiated by Marketing and critically reviewed by Creative Design before any exception can be considered.
Color provides a quick way to increase recognition and distinctiveness. For that reason, the full-color option is the preferred expression of the St. Elizabeth Healthcare brand. This is the primary color option and should be used on all brand applications when possible.
Tints of the three primary colors can be used. Preferred tint values are 60% and 30%. It is required that PMS 300 blue be printed as a spot color, and spot color be used whenever possible to reproduce tints of other equity colors.